Saturday, November 7, 2009

Blog #16 - Pathways

In Chapter 4 of “At Work in the Iron Cage” Britton writes that most individuals do not start out in life aspiring to become prison guards or correctional officers. Britton writes that most people find out by chance that they enjoy this kind of work. However, criminology and criminal justice majors are now among the most popular in American universities. Britton describes that for men, the model category of previous work experience is military service. The most common previous employment for women is clerical work. Thirty-seven percent of women in law enforcement had worked in clerical positions while no men had this kind of previous work experience. The other previous job experiences that women have also have no correlation to working correctional work. Most women are pulled into this career through circumstances, personal contact, and opportunities (Britton 87). Some women have compared their jobs as correctional officers as babysitters or mothers. The actual tasks of the correctional officers are often those of a mother, including supervising dressing, bathing and eating inmates. Women’s prior experience in managing people gives them an advantage in this career. Social networking is important to women getting into these types of careers because they would likely not think about doing something like this until someone they know mentions it to them. Social networking is hugely important because it provides opportunities that we might not have access to otherwise.Pay and benefits are two reasons why both men and women become correctional officers. As a federal corrections officer, a person must have a bachelor’s degree or three years of related experience. In the state system a high school diploma is required or a GED. Where prisons are located, in rural areas, there are less opportunities for high-paying jobs and the prison systems offer a higher salary compared to other jobs in the area. The benefits package for working for the government are usually very good and are another cause for people moving into this career. Many divorced women look at this job as a good source of security and support for their families. One woman who was interviewed doubled her pay after getting a job as a corrections officer after she got divorced. All officers are required to complete formal training before starting work.

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